The Library Association of Samoa is the premier organisation for libraries and librarians in Samoa.
The LAS Inc. originated in 1986, and was known then as the LAWS or the Library Association of Western Samoa.
LAWS contributed to launching new books, organised a Library week in 1988 and worked on promoting and advocating library services in Samoa.
In 1997, when Western Samoa became the Independent State of Samoa, the LAWS became LAS as we know it today.
The Association is an incorporated legal body and registered association with the government and is therefore the official representative of libraries and librarians in the country
Due to financial constraints the LAS has struggled at times and simmered into semi retirement for a number of years until 2001 and had a quiet period from 2003 until 2008.
In 2009 with renewed energy, enthusiasm and funding from UNESCO the LAS fired back into action holding a number of successful activities during the year.
Since then many more people have expressed an interest in libraries and literacy and an enthusiam towards the importance of literacy and reading in everyday life.
The LAS elects four Executive members and 4 Committee members every year.
Most of the Committee are made up of librarians working full-time as library professionals.
Association activities are centralised in the capital city of Apia, however the Committee welcomes input from librarians nationwide.
LAS Brochure, Poster and PowerPoint slides
Download a copy of the Poster and access a copy of our LAS introductory PowerPoint.